Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Cruise Ship Wedding Melbourne

sweat of the squirrel ... The Other

Yes, your eyes are really delighted - this is actually once again a post of mine!

It is after four clock in the morning, it's the middle of the week and I'm still at home and not in the company (in other words, currently there, the dog freezes on the ground). What but my situation is crap so that you can imagine not all.

Last cigarette: Tuesday, 19:45. Prior to that since smoking and Sunday only three of them, and as I said since Tuesday. Sounds great, but did not laugh. I had so much bad mood (and I have some more) that's not to bear with me.

The night shift decided Tuesday night clearly, should I start again, I would not enjoy - nice work colleagues, so honest, so it is supported! And other then leave such comments as: "Well, we want to bet how long it takes I'll bet on the weekend you smoke again?." Thank you also creates motivation! * Snort *.

Therefore, we believe it or not, I was volunteered to swim yesterday morning, and go this morning again. Battle of the pounds, I will eat that is, it is pure joy. If this keeps up, I'm almost as wide as high! My skates are also gewienert been lovingly and dusted, and then I'll see today evening as often as I can lie down on the nose until I have thoroughly full of the same.

I distract myself urgently needs to shine even in the living room and bedroom pore pure brilliance, and still moves on my car and then the kitchen. Unbelievable but true! But better than nail biting and think that even half a box of cigarettes lies in the barn on the bar ... Although, now is better. I even have another mood * lol *

motto of the week: Talyn rolls for their lives and health guru (buuuuuuuuuh!)
* grins * Much love



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