The cat is out of the bag
We Are always sweating and work currently working on a relaunch of the entire portal with a comprehensive review of tech- redesign and new features.
addition to a new content management System that will allow us a much more flexible work, is also a new, known forum software into the house. Thus, new users can quickly get used to the forum.
The reviews and news will get the space and focus they deserve.
But all of 'we do not for us, but mainly for you, the readers of tech review and users of the forum.
Tech-Review is Web 2.0
In specially created forum thread You have the option proposals, ideas and criticism of the portal to post. Give us your input
and let us know what your date is not good at tech-Review fandet what we could do better and also keep what we ought.
Our team will discuss all proposals and ideas with you.
And who knows ... perhaps you already get a foretaste of the new design ...?
No false modesty - feed us, so that together we create a portal , in which we will be optical, content and feel good together functionally.
Click here for a feedback thread in the forum
Your Tech-Review - team.
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