Saturday, July 24, 2004

Australian Bulk Foods


So now I must look! Write again what here!

I have my first Work week behind me! Tadaa! Ever since Monday I work in the same company as my hubby. Forwarding, and for even Lorenz Bahlsen. The chips ship in all directions. And sometimes rejects land in our living room. I hate pistachios, honest. So, I mean, not the small, harmless things in themselves, but more the fact that Ralf, the empty shells across distributed through the living room * sigh *

But back to the report: the staff is friendly, but the organization in this company is sickening, really. The word "organization" is there an absolute stranger. I mean, if the office ladies already have to worry about that enough toilet paper on the Kundenklo ... So I do not do it!
technology from the last century. The phones you had to see ... auhauerha. No display, the most basic version, which you can imagine.

And now someone has destroyed my computer where I work in the company Jaul * always * That is, if man must play Windows XP, although he did not know whether it's compatible with the shipment program. Wars, unfortunately not. Yeah, PC are experts in this company with the microscope to look for.

I also get the same on Thursday a special order. Had in the server room (with master key hehe, that gave me the same even into the hand ...) and had, incredibly, once unplug the DSL modem, move it back tuck and then see if the lights are green or red. Hey, I have qualified me, hurray! * Cough *

What I personally find so great, is that any name basis with every since. Especially the truck drivers are always fun, always take all the loose total. I should be in place already freaked out if I wait as long as you but they always smell a slogan on it - just truckers. Well, most of them. Some rain is also mega mainly on, but I can fully understand. I mean, nobody wants to stand all day in the yard when he had a charging time by 10, right?

And I have next week morning shift * Groans * That means, get up at four, * *. jammer jammer Then rather late shift or night shift, honest!


Today I actually made it yet but from what I take my hat off to me.

harvested three hours, beans and cucumbers in the garden. Afterwards, the same half an ice cold bottle of Coke light tilted and boah was my bad then! I thought I to tilt.

also looked after like a crumb cake, the shit-prick but soooo cucumber plants. My whole body felt like a fire storm - ouch.

Well, then we will look ma, what the next week so bring ...


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